Performance of: Wukir Suryadi & Andreas Siagian | The Instrument Builders Project @ OK Video 2013
A performance I did with Wukir Suryadi as part of “The Instrument Builders Project” participation for Muslihat | OK. Video Festival 2013. The performance was conducted in the Conference Room of Galeri Nasional Indonesia (Indonesia National Gallery) after a session of discussion, led by Kristi Monfries (the curator of this project) and moderated by Leonhard Bartolomeus (ruangrupa).
In the performance, Wukir was playing with while I was controlling . Outside of the room there’sfrom Ardi Gunawan. Three of these instruments were displayed as examples of collaboration outputs between Australian and Indonesian artists participated in the project. Other instruments and projects were presented during the presentation session by Kristi Maya Dewi Monfries.
The Instrument Builders Project
* curators: Joel Stern & Kristi Monfries
* artists: Rod Cooper, Dylan Martorell, Pia Van Gelder, Michael Candy, Wukir Suryadi, Lintang Raditya, Asep Nata, Ardi Gunawan, Andreas Siagian
* venue: iCan (Indonesian Contemporary Art Network)
* time: Yogyakarta, Indonesia; 24 June-16 July, 2013;