RAKSA – Sub Octave Fuzz Effector

RAKSA is Indonesian word for a heavy metal liquid element internationally known as Mercury.
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RAKSA – sub octave fuzz is an effector combining opamp fuzz and analog octave down. It is squaresolid’s version of DOD FX-33 Buzz Box which was released in 1994 as part of a line of effector known as the “Lamb Series” initiated by Jason Lamb (RIP). RAKSA maintain the characteristic sound of the original Buzz Box while adding further modification in octave selection, true bypass, and other circuitry improvements such as impedances filters and frequency responses.
Unlike its’ older brother the Grunge effector, Buzz Box received many issues and returned. Fair enough to the customer complaints, as Buzz Box set out to deliberately sound broken. It was Jason Lamb’s attempt to capture the guitar sound of Buzz Osborne of the Melvins. DOD actually added the tagline ; “It’s not broken, it sound that way”. Buzz Osborne probably described it best;
“Buzz Box is totally worthless. It sounds like a vacuum cleaner”
Despite its’ unpopularity among guitarist, Buzz Box have been sought after by experimental and noise musicians due to its’ chaotic fuzzy distortion and unpredictable octave responses. Since it’s shortly produced just between the 94-96, the scarcity of Buzz Box is beyond ridiculous. Very few musicians have the opportunity to even try it, let alone have it in their rig setup.
RAKSA is an attempt to resurrect this massive low octave noise monster fuzz of the 90’s. It’s also a tribute to arguably one of the most influential instrument builder of the 90’s, Jason Lamb. RAKSA is designed to be compact and dynamic for live performances while enhancing its’ versatility to be used for both electro acoustic and electronic instruments. Its’ harsh clipping fuzz could completely alter the tone of your instruments wether it’s a synthesizer, guitar, or shaker box. To put it simple, RAKSA will take your sound and destroys it while adding -1 or -2 octave bellow to massively boost your bass output. Its’ build for travelling musicians while also accentuate artistic design and build quality. RAKSA is handbuild by the craft of Andreas Siagian (Squaresolid) from his studio (Instrumentasia) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Special thanks for Krisna Widiathama for his artwork and supportive friendship.
Technical Details:
- 9-12VDC, center negative & polarity protection
- High input impedance and low output impedance
- Current consumption between 10-15 mA
- True Bypass with LED indicator in yellow
- Artwork by Krisna Widiathama
- Aluminium enclosure with gray burn polishing
- White laser engraving
- No Gain Control, gain is always on maximum
- Two selection of octave down, -1 and -2
- Bakelite knobs in White Cream colour